Entries in Bollywood (8)
Vintage Bollywood Glam by Amna Hakim

One of the benefits (read: the only benefit) of having the flu, is being able to catch up on all of the incredible blogs that you've been slacking on. I just caught this post over at Dreamers.
If you've followed this blog at all, you know we LOVE vintage bollywood. Amna Hakim and the team here did a great job at resurrecting an incredible era of fashion. This project has #SareeSwag written all over it.
After watching the amazing First Kiss Films video above, be sure to click here, for more pics and a full list of vendors that took part in this awesome shoot!
I love where this industry is headed :)
Hema Malini

Dad used to call Shal "Shalini-Hema-Malini".
I can't wait for these classic sarees to become common-ish in western culture.
So sweet!
Real smiles win. Always. ;)